LeetCode 1853. Convert Date Format
Description https://leetcode.com/problems/convert-date-format/ SQL Schema Table: Days +————-+——+ | Column Name | Type | +————-+——+ | day | date | +————-+——+ day…
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Description https://leetcode.com/problems/convert-date-format/ SQL Schema Table: Days +————-+——+ | Column Name | Type | +————-+——+ | day | date | +————-+——+ day…
Description https://leetcode.com/problems/check-if-binary-string-has-at-most-one-segment-of-ones/ Given a binary string s without leading zeros, return true if s contains at most one contiguous segment of ones. Otherwise, return false. Example 1: Input:…
Description https://leetcode.com/problems/minimum-distance-between-bst-nodes/ Given the root of a Binary Search Tree (BST), return the minimum difference between the values of any two different nodes…
Description https://leetcode.com/problems/pascals-triangle-ii/ Given an integer rowIndex, return the rowIndexth (0-indexed) row of the Pascal’s triangle. In Pascal’s triangle, each number is the sum of the…
Description https://leetcode.com/problems/minimum-changes-to-make-alternating-binary-string/ You are given a string s consisting only of the characters ‘0’ and ‘1’. In one operation, you can change any ‘0’ to ‘1’ or vice versa.…
Description https://leetcode.com/problems/sum-of-left-leaves/ Given the root of a binary tree, return the sum of all left leaves. Example 1: Input: root = [3,9,20,null,null,15,7]…
Description https://leetcode.com/problems/check-if-one-string-swap-can-make-strings-equal/ You are given two strings s1 and s2 of equal length. A string swap is an operation where you choose two indices in a…
Description https://leetcode.com/problems/reformat-phone-number/ You are given a phone number as a string number. number consists of digits, spaces ‘ ‘, and/or dashes ‘-‘. You would like…
Description https://leetcode.com/problems/maximum-69-number/ Given a positive integer num consisting only of digits 6 and 9. Return the maximum number you can get by…
Description https://leetcode.com/problems/reformat-department-table/ SQL Schema Table: Department +—————+———+ | Column Name | Type | +—————+———+ | id | int | | revenue…