LeetCode 681. Next Closest Time



Given a time represented in the format “HH:MM”, form the next closest time by reusing the current digits. There is no limit on how many times a digit can be reused.

You may assume the given input string is always valid. For example, “01:34”, “12:09” are all valid. “1:34”, “12:9” are all invalid.

Example 1:

Input: "19:34"
Output: "19:39"
Explanation: The next closest time choosing from digits 1, 9, 3, 4, is 19:39, which occurs 5 minutes later.  It is not 19:33, because this occurs 23 hours and 59 minutes later.

Example 2:

Input: "23:59"
Output: "22:22"
Explanation: The next closest time choosing from digits 2, 3, 5, 9, is 22:22. It may be assumed that the returned time is next day's time since it is smaller than the input time numerically.


Simulate the clock going forward by one minute. Each time it moves forward, if all the digits are allowed, then return the time.

Python Solution

class Solution:
    def nextClosestTime(self, time: str) -> str:
        current = 60 * int(time[:2]) + int(time[3:])

        for i in range(current + 1, current + 1441):
            minutes = i % 1440
            h, m = minutes // 60, minutes % 60
            result = "{:02d}:{:02d}".format(h, m)
            if set(result) <= set(time):
        return result
  • Time Complexity: ~N
  • Space Complexity: ~1

where N is a number of characters in the input string.

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